Siirry pääsisältöön

"Expressing fear can be an act of courage."

Fear starts at the point when control stops. Control. We love to have control in our lives. We want to control some aspect in it. It might be food, relationships, and looks; etc. Everyone wants to have control over something - school and doing your homework daily is one way of having control over something.

I have huge fear – fear of driving. I lost control of my car on one sunny, but slippery winter day. I was really terrified because the car was going up to 80 km/h. Car started going on the left, over the disjunctive strip. At the last moment I really tried pulling the steering wheel to the right, and then it started going on the right and spun over the roof 3 times and stopped. The most terryfing moment in my life – I was mainly concerned about the car because I survived. Afterwards I’ve realized how lucky I was to get out of this accident alive. Happy to be alive, although I feel bit sad about the car, but a car is just a piece of metal and plastic. Nothing more, nothing less. Person is what matters the most. I am alive, I am breathing, all so messed up and I get sweaty palms while driving, but I am doing it. I am trying to overcome my fear – its hard but I am doing it.

What if you lose control of something you shouldn't?
When you are unable to execute yourself what should you do?
What if you have lost hope?

You can't stop smoking even if you know the risks and damage it does to your body. You can't stop worrying about future, you keep freaking out over surprises. You just are shocked when something real, something you have believed in fails to entertain you. You are so disappointed.

What if you have stopped dreaming, stopped living?
Why should you stop living because of one disappointment, one damage?

When your life falls apart and you have to start putting yourself together from the scratch then it takes a lot of strength, loads of hours and extreme work is needed. It is difficult to start living again, you might find it extremely hard to get up from the bed.

A total puzzle, which is unsolved.

I think you should try to get yourself together and take time to heal. Take time for yourself and really get to the core of your problem, your dilemma. Either you have lost a person, or you have become ”loser" in someone's eyes or you have failed with your diet.

.. is natural when you have lost something you really loved or respected; losing a person is never easy to get over from. When i lost my best friend, the friend who really was always there for me I felt nothing. I was so empty - i couldn't believe it. Standing in the funeral and looking at the grave - it hit me. I had lost someone special, never was I able to talk to him, never was I able to call to him. Never, ever. I mourned for a week and i still get tears in my eyes when I look at his picture, his smiley face, he was everything for me - the dearest friend i had known for over 6 years. My friend, who knew very little of me, but who understood me in everything.

When you hear these words from someone’s mouth who really shouldn’t be saying them to you then it hurts. It’s a thing one never wants to hear and never wants to accept. You should think if there’s a reason you seem like a “loser” in someone’s eyes and if there is could you do something about it – fix the thing that makes you a loser. If there isn’t anything you could do and you have done your best and you really aren’t a loser then your “friend” is a total tool. Don’t surround yourself with people who can’t appreciate what you do and can’t accept you as a person you are.

Failing a diet.
Did you ate too much on one day? No worry, its just one day of the week, its not question of overeating of 365 days or more. One day, it might even do you good – it might “boost up” your metabolism. You aren’t helping your diet if you stop thinking about the “fail day”. Just keep on going and remember losing 10 lbs (5 kg’s) doesn’t happen in one day. Remain positive and forget the daily visits of the scale. Once a week is enough, remember to drink plenty of water, eat reasonable amounts of normal food and walk at least 30 minutes per day. Everything starts from small steps.

I have had a huge disappointment in my life when my back was injured and I heard that I could never become an athlete, who would play in the big league. I would always stay mediocre, usual, normal like an average tool. Nothing great, nothing noticeable, just casual. I am not saying that casual or average is bad, we must have the average Joes to have the comparison; but i had invested so much in my future, I had hopes and dreams concerning my "career", but it never worked out. I couldn't even got the chance to try it. And this is what sucks the most, now it keeps bothering me - i get tears in my eyes when I watch sports, its something so personal and so dear to me.

Disappointments and failure, but life is so much more.

I also think that if you don't try and don't take risks you can never win.

I've always thought so and i always will.


Edna. sanoi…
Hui, mikä kuva sulla tossa ensimmäisenä. Karmiva! :D
ღ remy. sanoi…
Paha mörkö :< :D
JayJay sanoi…
I know homework sucks ass, mut arvaa mitä? En tehny niitä! :D Hyvä minä, lukio menee läpi ja varmasti.

En viel ehtiny kattoo sun blogiin, mut vau! Sä kirjotat enkuks? :)

Dude, your layout is awesome. Damn, you're so creative.

<3 I'll come back here 2moro.
JayJay sanoi…
I can totally relate to your sport watching-analysis, because I was also at the top of my circus-career, when shit started to happen. I know the feeling when you watch something and you realise that you could be the one in the place actually doing it. Breaks you every fucking time, but you gotta move on and take hold of something else, something new, perhaps? :)

stay strong.<3

P.s. I had to read the newest posting straight away, especially when it was written in english. Damn, I wanna ask you so much but I really gotta go now. Keep on writing in English. <3
NANA sanoi…
Huh. Pojat on.. :D Inhottavaa. Oikeastaan pitäisi unohtaa ne vain kokonaan niin pystyisin keskittymään muuhun.

Hui, aikas pelottava ajatus joutua auto-onnettomuuteen.. Mutta selvisit ja kaikki hyvin. Tuntuu kyllä siltä, etten varmaan kovin äkkiä ole autoa sitten vanhempana hankkimassa. Täytyy vain muuttaa sellaiseen paikkaan, missä pystyy liikkumaan helposti julkisilla.

En voi kyllä kuvitellakaan oloasi tuon loukkaantumisen takia. Itse meinaan seota, jos en pääse liikkumaan päivittäin, mutta entäs sitten jos todella loukkaantuisin enkä pystyisi enää harrastamaan. En halua edes ajatella sitä. Urheilu on kuitenkin niin iso osa elämää, että on vaikea kuvitella millaista olisi ilman sitä.
JayJay sanoi…
By the way, the girl (I don't know if it's you) in your profile picture has awesome legs. :)
Pink Links sanoi…
I am trying to overcome my fears but it's hard... And I have many fears.

Kontrollin säilyttäminen yhdessä jos toisessakin asiassa on usein turhaa, mutta siihenkin sorrun.

Fiksuja pohdiskelet ja osaat kirjoittaa enkkua tosi hyvin!
Edna. sanoi…
Eikä! Pitiki sun mennä kertomaan.. :D Minä nälkäisenä aloin nyt haaveilemaan niistä uppopaistetuista munkeista :D Onneks kaupat on jo kiinni.

Mulla on nyt kaks onnistunutta päivää takana. mahtava fiilis. vihdoin pääsin edes vähän eteenpäin. nytkin on kiljuva nälkä, mutta mä EN syö. koska kalorit (~1220) on käytetty ja kohta mennään nukkumaan ja puoli kuudelta herätys että sinne asti nyt kyllä olen päättänyt odottaa :(

Mutta huomenna jatkuu taas. :)

koita jaksella! <3
Mä niin rakastan tätä sun layouttia, btw! :D


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