Siirry pääsisältöön


"What you see is what you get."
You tend to live your live straightforwardly and with a flair for drama.

Leo are warm of spirit, eager for action and are driven by a desire to be loved for what you bring to others.

Best snack, Cheetos?
Leo also enjoys licking the orange residue from this snack off their paws.

Ben & Jerry's New York Super Fudge Chunk rings your chimes. You easily get bored with routine; try something new like Cold Stone Creamery's For Coffee Lovers Only … coffee ice cream, Heath Bar bits, roasted almonds and caramel. Yum!

I love Ben & Jerry's. I had some Chocolate Macadamian while going over to a friend's house. It's nice, creamy, choclatey and nutty. Perfect Ice Cream. NY's SFC is faboulous as well, but I think I will remember eating the Chocolate Macadamian for a long time to come. It was just a memorable night.!

! Leo's Soul Food is: Nothing wets the mouth like the golden gleam of biscuits, rolls and bread. No soul food meal is complete without some biscuits and if you're feeling regal, as a Leo does, you'll have it with gravy. Leo likes all the trimmings, and you can hardly go wrong with the richness of biscuits with grits, gravy, butter or molasses! (all so true !)

Car Policity: While some folks might climb behind the wheel of a 20-year-old wreck that runs, you'd rather walk. While you're likely to be seen driving a respectable ride like a Mercedes, BMW or Audi, that bit of flash you so love means you'd probably prefer next year's Caddy or Lincoln -- with every possible accessory included. (I wish to own a Lamborghini, SUV and a convertable car one day.)

How to date a Leo?

Leos are impressed by status, power and social skills. Take a Leo out for fancy dinners, theaters, social events. I love to go to see a good movie or take me to a pool hall. Something semi-fun and challenging ;)
How compatible would have I been with the sign I consider fascinating ?!

"The noble Leo and warrior Aries are a passionate match guaranteed a life of adventure and fun. Excitement is great for them but they must not fight for control."

Both Aries and Leo are outgoing signs. You will prefer to be out and about, mixing and mingling with others, rather than staying at home. Leo will be happy to give you this personal freedom. Aries won't cling to you like glue.
You're good friends. You give each other advice when it's ever needed. You enjoy spending each other's money and you can both be a little impetuous when it comes to enjoying the good things in life.
Aries enjoy BEING the best at everything and Leos like to HAVE the best of everything.
"Life is what we make it, always has been, always will be."

You Have To Make Your Own Choices.
Take Risks! Seize the moment!
Don't read about living or how you should live, what should you eat, where should you eat - what kind of clothes should you buy. Don't read about it, Just Live. Eat what you feel like, dress-up as you wish, go around window-shopping, just be. Live, breathe. Be daring, over the edge. Everything you do makes you to Be You. A Person, an individual. Noone else can live the life for you, you have to make you own life.
C'est la vie!
(can't live for you)


Anttu sanoi…
Siinäpä oli napakka pähkinä purtavaksi!
(ja kyllä ne leijonat vaan niitä pipareita yrittää joka käänteessä saada tekemään)
Kirsikka sanoi…
Rakastan näitä sun postauksia. Pistää aina miettimään syvällisemmin itseään..
"Life is what we make it, always has been, always will be."

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