Siirry pääsisältöön

And so it begins!

This Monday I started attending Unecon's courses, here in St.Petersburg. I am taking three (3) courses before I am heading back to Finland. I still have couple of weeks left also at the Sokos Hotel Olympia Garden, where I've been an intern for this summer.

On Monday morning I had "Comptetive strategies in Russia", which was very interesting and I really enjoyed it, because I know something about the markets in Russia, but it is quite a little information I know, so I am excited about this course. We also got a case-assignment to think about key factors for entering the Russian market for this one Finnish company and also the marketing aspect of the product! Four hours of this lesson and for the afternoon I was suppoused to have "Russia and WTO". The lessons was postponed and cancelled from Monday since our lecturer was still having a bad flu, but I didn't mind. Part of me was happy, since I would've left the lesson a bit earlier, since I had tickets to an icehockey game at the Ice Palace: СКА - "Динамо" Мн.

Since I didn't have to attend the lesson, I decided to text my friend instead to walk around before getting to the game. We walked around near St.Isaac's church and visited CKA's fanshop at Nevski Prospekt. After taking the metro to the "Prospekt Bolshoi" (the orange line) we also circled around at the local marketplace and tasted different types of honey -- there was a lot! Had a snack in shape of nut-vitamin mix before heading inside the arena. A great game, crowd consisted of 11011 persons and the atmosphere was quite intese in the crowd at some point. I saw the players, because I was sitting quite close to t I think the arena wasn't even full, because I could see empty seats, but nevertheless it didn't feel empty and after the game when most of us tried to get the metro -- it was interesting.

Tuesday afternoon we had the greeting from the vice-principle, which was very fun! After that we kicked off the Russia and WTO -course, which in my opinion is interesting and I like it, when teacher gets off the track and we talk about things. which aren't on the slideshow -- but I think its like this very many times, when the lesson reshapes from a lecture to an open discussion, your brain is starting to work in a different matter and you get these things, called ideas in your head! After my lessons I did go to see the doctor at the local clinic, which has a direct billing to insurance companies (except for the Germanese people, not sure why). I had to see the doctor, because I've had a long-lasting flu and it wasn't getting better, I woke up during the night being unable to breathe properly and couldn't hear a lot with my other ear. It turned out I am having a bad sinusitis, got some medication and hopefully I am getting better soon, so communicating with people would be easier, when I don't have to gasp for breath.

On Wednesday we had another lesson of Russia and WTO and on the first lessons we actually got a group assignment regarding agriculture trade in Russia. For the entire evening after the lessons I tried to concentrate on it since the presentation is already on Friday.

It has been superb now living at the dorms, because you see all these new people, you can ask new questions or the old questions, but you have new answers each time. Part of me doesn't feel like leaving, but part of me still thinks about Future in Finland and the reality is that I have to go back at the end of this month and continue my studies in Saimia. I want to graduate at least half a year earlier than my programme is about to end, so I want to discuss that matter, when I return to my home university. I am truely happy I got the chance to attend several lessons and even if these credits won't count for my programme, but they'll go under optional studies, it doesn't matter. I am quite satisfied of my ECTS' points so far.

This month I will have four intense courses:

  • Competetive strategies in Russia
  • Russia and WTO
  • Event Management
  • Modern Russian Youth Subcultures
Some studying needs to be done, because we do have tests at the end of the course and then at least from two courses we have recieved a presentation assignment. Not on a work-holiday anymore, but it is good to study little before I return to Finland, so getting back to everyday life, a "transition-period" is on!


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