Maybe all the bad things will disappear if i don't pay them any attention. Maybe all things shall just work themselves out on their own if I just go along with everything. Lack of interest towards the most important things of my life.
You got to be kidding me - things might work out, but why should I wait in uncertainty not knowing what will come upon me. Taking care of things in time and paying bills as soon as possible are the best ways to manage your sanity.
You will never have a second chance. Why not start doing things right and get it done at the first trying? Why wait? Why waste your precious time? Who knows; you might be hit by a bus tomorrow and you might fly to heaven, and you never had the second chance. ?
I think it's best to live life to your fullest, day at a time and rip it naked. Take advantage of every opportunity and really just dig into this thing called living. Dig into a world of disappointments, poverty and insanity. Real world is really insane. It is really marvelous when someone can actually say that they have remained sane throughout life, that they haven't had a single "loco"-moment.
You might lose touch to the person you really are, you might end up in life being screwed and tortured, you might not know where you come from nevertheless where you are going to. You might get into this situation because let's face it.
Life isn't great, but someone has to live it.
I don't think that ending your own life is an answer to a crappy life, life without love, happiness, money. I really do believe in reincarnación (Spanish) and I also believe that we are all here for a purpose - unknown, but once we have fulfilled it, we are free to go. It might be a small task which has assigned to us, but without small there can't be big because we couldn't define it. We couldn't compare things to one another and without comparison we really can’t tell which are greater, what is bigger, what matters.
And hey, you got to have options - you have to have an ability to choose.
It doesn't matter if you have chosen wrong, but you have had THE OPPORTUNITY.
Juxtapositioning is a great way to show different opinions and it widens your knowledge of different paths. You don't have to be or do the things everyone else expects you to do. You can take the good and bad, ponder about negative effects as well as the positive ones. People often seem to see the positive effects in everything, like let's take dieting. When already a fit, skinny person wants to drop around 20% of his weight then the person fails to see the negative side of the story. You will start losing your vitality. Your life starts slipping away. Okay, you get the massive hangover of dieting and exercise, you restrict your calorie intake to 200 calories per day, you spend 6 hours a day in a gym or on a track - you lose human contacts, dieting and looking like a stick-insect matter. You have had the taste of it, You loved it, eh? – You would be lying if You say I hated it, You loved that lifestyle to the bones, literally. You shopping for smaller and smaller clothes, You loved when all-so-tight-shirts were loose, they weren't uncomfortable, they were great, loose and You were all covered up. All covered up because You were constantly shivering, You were cold, your nails were blue, your skin was drying, hair was falling out, but hey You could fit into my favorite jeans. and the fear, in Your eyes, in you friends' eyes. You saw it yourself - you are fading away, you cried, but then laughed. You were scared to continue, but even more scared to stop.
That lifestyle had a negative effect because You took things overboard, You couldn’t be satisfied with anything – You just felt like smaller numbers on a scale might make you a better person, but it’s all a great deal of b*llsh*t. You might look like a good person outside, but “yes-the-same-old-saying” still applies: Inside is what matters the most and you can’t fake that.

Dieting and exercise are good, but getting addicted to it and obsessing over each salad leaf you eat isn't healthy, it isn't sane - if you recognize this feature in you, then please get help. Together we can make the world a better place and we need all of you.
жизненная энергия : vitality : elinvoima : livsandar
- The capacity to live and develop
- Energy or vigour
- That which distinguishes living from nonliving things
" wiki : "

You will never have a second chance. Why not start doing things right and get it done at the first trying? Why wait? Why waste your precious time? Who knows; you might be hit by a bus tomorrow and you might fly to heaven, and you never had the second chance. ?
I think it's best to live life to your fullest, day at a time and rip it naked. Take advantage of every opportunity and really just dig into this thing called living. Dig into a world of disappointments, poverty and insanity. Real world is really insane. It is really marvelous when someone can actually say that they have remained sane throughout life, that they haven't had a single "loco"-moment.
You might lose touch to the person you really are, you might end up in life being screwed and tortured, you might not know where you come from nevertheless where you are going to. You might get into this situation because let's face it.
Life isn't great, but someone has to live it.
I don't think that ending your own life is an answer to a crappy life, life without love, happiness, money. I really do believe in reincarnación (Spanish) and I also believe that we are all here for a purpose - unknown, but once we have fulfilled it, we are free to go. It might be a small task which has assigned to us, but without small there can't be big because we couldn't define it. We couldn't compare things to one another and without comparison we really can’t tell which are greater, what is bigger, what matters.

It doesn't matter if you have chosen wrong, but you have had THE OPPORTUNITY.
Juxtapositioning is a great way to show different opinions and it widens your knowledge of different paths. You don't have to be or do the things everyone else expects you to do. You can take the good and bad, ponder about negative effects as well as the positive ones. People often seem to see the positive effects in everything, like let's take dieting. When already a fit, skinny person wants to drop around 20% of his weight then the person fails to see the negative side of the story. You will start losing your vitality. Your life starts slipping away. Okay, you get the massive hangover of dieting and exercise, you restrict your calorie intake to 200 calories per day, you spend 6 hours a day in a gym or on a track - you lose human contacts, dieting and looking like a stick-insect matter. You have had the taste of it, You loved it, eh? – You would be lying if You say I hated it, You loved that lifestyle to the bones, literally. You shopping for smaller and smaller clothes, You loved when all-so-tight-shirts were loose, they weren't uncomfortable, they were great, loose and You were all covered up. All covered up because You were constantly shivering, You were cold, your nails were blue, your skin was drying, hair was falling out, but hey You could fit into my favorite jeans. and the fear, in Your eyes, in you friends' eyes. You saw it yourself - you are fading away, you cried, but then laughed. You were scared to continue, but even more scared to stop.
That lifestyle had a negative effect because You took things overboard, You couldn’t be satisfied with anything – You just felt like smaller numbers on a scale might make you a better person, but it’s all a great deal of b*llsh*t. You might look like a good person outside, but “yes-the-same-old-saying” still applies: Inside is what matters the most and you can’t fake that.

Together we could make a difference.
Dieting and exercise are good, but getting addicted to it and obsessing over each salad leaf you eat isn't healthy, it isn't sane - if you recognize this feature in you, then please get help. Together we can make the world a better place and we need all of you.
жизненная энергия : vitality : elinvoima : livsandar
- The capacity to live and develop
- Energy or vigour
- That which distinguishes living from nonliving things
" wiki : "
Oii, Espanja! Kuulostaa ihanalta. Aurinkoa ja hiekkarantoja<3 Voinko kysyä minnes päin suunnilleen on suunnitelmat mennä?
Tuosta tulikin mieleen, että itselläkin lähtö reissuun ensi viikolla. Auts. En tiedä edes onko yhtään rahaa mukaan. Ja matkalaukku ties missä.
Oli kans suunnitelma, että laihdutan tuota matkaa varten muutaman kilon -vähän on jäänyt kyllä.. Paino kun ei tunnu tippuvan.
Mutta onneksi joskus on noita vähän parempiakin päiviä. (: Auttaa jaksamaan, kun joskus tuntuu siltä, että kaikki on hyvin ja on ihan hyvännäköinen.