Have you ever had an advice how to do something right despite of one's knowledge?
These so-called "life coaches" might be found from your inner circle. It might be your mom, dad or your best friend. Let’s take an example. You are an athlete, you train, you work hard, you have a goal. You do your best, but you never finish – you don't cross the finish line. A Failure. Once again, one more.

You are ALREADY worked up about everything and then someone from the public comes up and says to you: “Good game, but why didn’t you run faster?” Umm.. Eee.. Gee, dude. I really don’t know, maybe because I didn’t want to win? Or maybe because my back is killing me and I can barely walk at the moment? Maybe because it hurts to run but I am running because of loads of pills and will power. I try to outsmart my pain. But no, I just walk away from the person and say nothing. Not worth to get myself worked up about it. No, just stay calm and count to ten. It will be alright.
I try to advice people with weight-loss and excerise and I really hate it when people try to give some advice to me about this topic. I really know what I am doing and what I should be doing since I have STUDIED this. I know this. I know my limits, I know my goals, but I can’t tell them out loud because you will just laugh and say: “no way never – you can’t do this.” You are just too weak for being a body fitness type of gal. Me, too weak?

I think I know better about myself and my life. I’ve seen more then many people see in 60 years. I’ve lived the horror, the ups and dows, good and bad. Through thick and thin. Lost a friend, gained two. I live, I breathe, I am fine, I am smart, I am me. Me with my life experience, with my insight, with my choices.
Why is it that people think they know better when they aren’t you?
Why don’t they let me live my life?
Please don’t interfere.
Why is it that people think they know better when they aren’t you?
Why don’t they let me live my life?
Please don’t interfere.

If they don’t let me do my own mistakes, if they don’t let me to achieve my goals, do my own choices then one day I might wake up and see a Stranger from the mirror.
Minä = hyvin lähellä life coachia, sillä annan automaattisesti neuvoja ja ratkaisuehdotuksia myös muiden haasteisiin.
Sinun kirjoituksesi = älä neuvo.