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Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on huhtikuu, 2009.

"The word freedom has no meaning."

Have you ever heard a person instructing you even though you know what you are doing? Have you ever had an advice how to do something right despite of one's knowledge? These so-called " life coaches" might be found from your inner circle. It might be your mom, dad or your best friend. Let’s take an example. You are an athlete, you train, you work hard, you have a goal. You do your best, but you never finish – you don't cross the finish line. A Failure . Once again, one more. You are ALREADY worked up about everything and then someone from the public comes up and says to you: “Good game, but why didn’t you run faster?” Umm.. Eee.. Gee, dude . I really don’t know, maybe because I didn’t want to win? Or maybe because my back is killing me and I can barely walk at the moment? Maybe because it hurts to run but I am running because of loads of pills and will power. I try to outsmart my pain . But no, I just walk away from the person and say nothing. Not worth to ...

"Kauneus on totuuden hymy."

HYMY Hymy ei maksa mitään, mutta antaa paljon. Se rikastuttaa häntä, joka sen saa, muttei tee antajaansakaan köyhemmäksi. Se kestää vain hetken, mutta joskus sen muisto säilyy ikuisesti. Kukaan ei ole niin rikas ja vaikutusvaltainen, että pystyisi tulemaan toimeen ilman sitä, eikä kukaan niin köyhä, ettei se häntä rikastuttaisi. Hymy luo onnea kotiin, hyvää tahtoa liike-elämään ja on ystävyyden tunnus. Se tuo levon väsyneille , iloa lannistuneille, auringon paisteen murheellisille ja on paras vastamyrkky huoliin. Siitä huolimatta sitä ei voi ostaa, kerjätä, lainata tai varastaa, sillä toisinaan sillä ei ole mitään arvoa kenellekään kuin poisannettuna. Jotkut ihmiset ovat liian väsyneitä hymyilläkseen. Hymyile sitä heille. Sillä ei kukaan niin suuresti hymyä tarvitse, kuin hän, joka ei itse enää jaksa hymyillä.

"Jos mielessä on syttyvää ainesta, se syttyy."

Mikä minut määrittää? Onko se elopainoni, saavutukseni? Ulkoinen persoonani? Miksi annan muitten asioiden taikka ihmisten määräitä minua? Miksen voisi hyväksyä oma määritelmää minuudesta? Omasta itsestäni? E.M.O. = Everything Means Options Get over it. Tyhjä olo, kovin on olo tyhjä. --- Maskin takana olemme, sisältä hajalla, päältä kuorrutettuja. Onneksi löytyy myös aitoja ihmisiä sisältä ja ulkoa. On terveitä, onnellisia ja melkein-huolettomia ihmisiä. Mutta keskiverto kansalainen ei ole ikinä onnellinen. Ei ole hienointa autoa, hienointa taloa. Ei ole taloudellista tasapainoa, ei ole lainoja. Kaikenlaista. Maskia. Hymyily. Oli mahtavaa olla töissä kun ei tarvinnut miettiä koko ajan mitä tekisi, mitä söisi, miten olisi. Työkaverini olivat maailman kivoimmat, mutta joukkoon mahtui yksi Liisa Lorvija . Kertoilisin mielelläni hänestä lisää, minua kun niin ketutti aina töissä hänen tekemiset ja miten hän määräili minua. Minuahan ei määräillä - osaanhan ajatella ...

"Expressing fear can be an act of courage."

Fear starts at the point when control stops. Control. We love to have control in our lives. We want to control some aspect in it. It might be food, relationships, and looks; etc. Everyone wants to have control over something - school and doing your homework daily is one way of having control over something. I have huge fear – fear of driving. I lost control of my car on one sunny, but slippery winter day. I was really terrified because the car was going up to 80 km/h. Car started going on the left, over the disjunctive strip. At the last moment I really tried pulling the steering wheel to the right, and then it started going on the right and spun over the roof 3 times and stopped. The most terryfing moment in my life – I was mainly concerned about the car because I survived. Afterwards I’ve realized how lucky I was to get out of this accident alive. Happy to be alive, although I feel bit sad about the car, but a car is just a piece of metal and plastic. Nothing more, nothing less. Pers...

"Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain."

Maybe all the bad things will disappear if i don't pay them any attention. Maybe all things shall just work themselves out on their own if I just go along with everything. Lack of interest towards the most important things of my life . You got to be kidding me - things might work out, but why should I wait in uncertainty not knowing what will come upon me. Taking care of things in time and paying bills as soon as possible are the best ways to manage your sanity. You will never have a second chance. Why not start doing things right and get it done at the first trying? Why wait? Why waste your precious time? Who knows; you might be hit by a bus tomorrow and you might fly to heaven, and you never had the second chance. ? I think it's best to live life to your fullest , day at a time and rip it naked. Take advantage of every opportunity and really just dig into this thing called living. Dig into a world of disappointments, poverty and insanity. Real world is really insane. ...

"Define perfect."

Praise women and don't judge them because of their looks only. They might look like nothing, but they might have the kindest heart and biggest compassion. Sometimes mass-production barbies can't understand it, and Christina Milian has a song called "Tell me what you see" and it talks about what you see and think of "a book by its cover". It applys in every prospect of your life. It really might be devastating when you don't get a promotion because you don't look like a plastic Barbara. If you don't have the "bawawaboom" sex appeal to men in a corporation where men have the power to choose then you (are screwed) will be left out. You will be an outsider. I wouldn't suggest to you to fit in. That's what everybody are doing - just fitting in. What's so extraordinary about that? I am also quite frustarated about everything "glamorous" in life. Maybe the stupidest thing was when Henna K. (from Big Brother) got...

"Haavoitetun lapsen sydän voi kutistua."

Vikisen ja avan suuni. Höristelet korviasi ja kuulet. Mutten ikinä kuuntele. Et kuuntele mua, ja turhaudun. Pakenen muualle, pois maailmastasi. Toiseen todellisuuteen, jossa on minä ja hän.