Have you ever heard a person instructing you even though you know what you are doing? Have you ever had an advice how to do something right despite of one's knowledge? These so-called " life coaches" might be found from your inner circle. It might be your mom, dad or your best friend. Let’s take an example. You are an athlete, you train, you work hard, you have a goal. You do your best, but you never finish – you don't cross the finish line. A Failure . Once again, one more. You are ALREADY worked up about everything and then someone from the public comes up and says to you: “Good game, but why didn’t you run faster?” Umm.. Eee.. Gee, dude . I really don’t know, maybe because I didn’t want to win? Or maybe because my back is killing me and I can barely walk at the moment? Maybe because it hurts to run but I am running because of loads of pills and will power. I try to outsmart my pain . But no, I just walk away from the person and say nothing. Not worth to ...