Release me
Release my body
I know it's wrong
So why do I keep coming back
I say release me
'Cause I'm not able to
Convince myself
That I'm better off without you
You should never look back. You should never look down. You should not regret, you should not think "what-if". You should be strong, keep on going and challenge your future.
Can You see that we belong together?
Can You see that ...
Go with your guts, go with your feelings. The feelings are deep; I know I hurt you. I know it all. I would love to take it back if I could. I can't say that now everything will be different, but I think I would try to be better, improved me.
I ...
Do you see me? Do you hear me?
I still have a heartbeat, heartache.
Didn't know what it all feels like until I met You.

I used to be all that and even more. I was social and outgoing. Not anymore. Life has treated me on its own special way and I turned out like this. I am still nice to strangers and I fake a smile every time its needed but I am not smiling inside. Something’s wrong.
Maybe I am missing my fire. The thing that lights me up, something that I could concentrate on. I used to get my “high-on-speed-kicks” from sports, but now I fight with my back and press that “emergency exit” button and pop some pills which would take away the physical pain. Mentally I am walking around like a zombie, no brains, no mind, no opinion.
Just wandering.
Now I really try to get a hold on myself and start reaching for my Body Fitness -goal. I need it to stay calm, relaxed and sane. I really do need something. A goal - something to reach for.

Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.
Sinussa on potentiaalia vaikka mihin. Saavutat vielä paljon, kun rakennat rauhassa.
Tämän hienon kirjoituksesi jälkeen tuntuu lattealta kertoa, että blogissani on sinulle haaste. Mutta sinä kyllä saattaisit taikoa siitäkin jotakin erityisen mielenkiintoista. Ei ole pakko osallistua, mutta kivaa olisi lukea vastauksiasi.